Anatomical Design

Just recently during Spring Break I went to the California Science Center to see Body Worlds 3 & story of the heart. It's interesting how the human body works. The functions and DESIGN of the body. We have so many curves and bumps on the human body which makes it a site to see when you look at how we look like on the inside. At first I didn't believe that the bodies being displayed were actual dead bodies. Because of the smell and the fact that they are posing in a way where they have no leg support. The exhibit shows various parts of the body, i.e. lungs, heart, brain, etc... but the exhibit doesn't limit itself to just regular body parts. They also focus on some of the diseases that we face everyday. LUNG CANCER! I was shocked when I saw this. They have an actual lung that is completely black from all the tar and nicotine. Other prime examples, Breast Cancer & Pancreatic Cancer. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take any pictures. What really got me was that on the third floor they had an exhibit where they focused on the human fetus. They have actual babies that were born prematurely from 1 month - 8 months. This exhibit is extremely beneficial to people who want to learn about anatomy and how the human body is designed.
Although there is one thing interesting about the exhibit. My sister told me that the IRS did an Audit on the exhibit and weren't able to find the names of the donor bodies. Rumor has it that some of the bodies were of unknown Asian people. :D but if you don't really care about this and want to learn about the design of the body check it out.
Here is a link to there site if anyone is interested:
Here is a link to there site if anyone is interested: