A interesting perspective of Advertising
This weekend all I've been doing is looking at various magazines just thinking about how to create a new design. While I was looking I noticed that many Ads don't have logos or title about what selling the product. This image below is an image with just a tag line and a full page of the character of a video game. I started to wonder why this ad was so successful that it had to be printed. There isn't a name or idea of who this person is on the front page. Than I realized that this Ad was intended only for gamers. You obviously wouldn't find this in a magazine about movie stars or about weddings of some sort. What got me though was the fact that the image was so strong that it didn't need its own logo or name of the game on the side or anywhere on the Ad. The idea of this ad was through how powerful the image could be and easy it is to recognize who this person was even without showing his full face.

Another Ad that I came across was actually a few pages that was meant to grab your attention. This ad was for a game that was solely intent to draw you in little by little using small excerpts of a page until it reached the main page.
Pay Attention to the bottom parts of the first two pages than to the main page.
Pay Attention to the bottom parts of the first two pages than to the main page.